About Me

About me....umm what about me??? Im Briana of course most people call me ~Bri~, it used to be different but now everybody has the name Briana so everybody also has the name Bri also. Anyways I was born in North Carolina but moved to Georgia & I have been there ever since. I graduated from a school called South Gwinnett High which had tons on kids but you still knew everybody. My favorite color is purple anybody who knows me will tell you I am a feen for any thing PURPLE and any thing SWEET!! Luckily I workout enough and have a ok metabolism because if not... I'm an only child(hehehe) so of course I LOVE to shop even when im broke because its ok to window shop(don't listen to 50 cent he was just talking) as my mom always told me. Even though my window shopping always turned into a buy later. I love to have fun and laugh but many people don't think so. I don't take any thing from any body because every one deserves RESPECT. Once you 1st meet me I'm mean or shy but once you get to know me I might still be a little mean(LOL) but I'M A WHOLE LOTTA FUN IN A LIL PACKAGE;-)!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010


Well NCCU is one interesting place I must say. I haven’t been on in a while, because I have been Beasting on my grades. They are looking mighty good I must say, not exactly where I want them but pretty good. My high school definitely prepared me for college. On another note a couple of weeks ago NCCU sponsored a trip, and a FREE one at that for us to go DC for the 10-2-10 March. I have been to DC before but this trip was special because I was going for a cause. On November 2nd there is a major vote going on, regarding jobs, health care and public education. I am definitely for public education because I am a product of it, and there is nothing wrong with it. I am also definitely for lowering tuition rates and making college affordable. If you thought high school was HIGH wait until you get to college, it’s at the PEAK! I had a lot of fun; I got to see all different views from many different people. Not only did I get to see all of that but I also saw some interesting things regarding people (LOL).  
                In DC my friends and I, did the Great Amazing Race of DC to find a McDonalds, oh how interesting that was. There were these map things and they showed where places were so we followed it only to find a little push cart sorta thing, but we ended up going into the Aero Space Museum and finding an actual Mickie Dees. Buuuut and there is a big Buuuuut it was soooo expensive. I got a double cheese burger meal and a shake and it cost about $8.34 if I’m correct. So if you ever go to DC I guess you have to be willing to play like the big dogs.
                Lately there hasn’t been much going on around NCCU. A couple of weeks ago we did have BET and the black college tour come to visit. I wasn’t able to participate much because of my classes (sorry no pictures for that). I’m not the type of student to miss class, even though the school did allow them there for us, I don’t think they would have appreciated so many people missing classes. I prefer to use my absences for something worthwhile like being sick or, having to go home, or an emergency. Luckily I was able to see what I could, when I could from my room window. I think I had the best seat in the house for the 3-on-3 basketball challenge though, no need in being in the heat when you can be in the air right (LOL)? Oh yeah I can’t forget about my water bottle and shirt. During the BET College Tour visit, there was an opportunity to get free STD tests and I got free stuff. To get my shirt I had to go get tested for everything. My friend and I went through a lot to get that shirt but I loved the saying so much-which was LOVE YOUSELF FIRST THEN OTHERS- and was so powerful in my opinion. We went through every STD testing on the planet, I was scared out of my mind about getting blood drawn, so of course I was one of the only people making noise when I got it done(oh well, I warned them at least LOL).
Homecoming and Halloween is in a couple of weeks, so I better have some stories. I WILL and they should be VERY INTERESTING!!!

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